EXPLORE …set your goals …develop your talents…
and think about the opportunities that await you!
Spotlight ACE with Kandi
Area Career Exploration (ACE) is pleased to present the Area Career Exploration Program, online! The mission is to make you aware of career opportunities available right here, in this area.
As you explore the Career website you will find insightful, effective and valuable career information from businesses, organizations, companies and individuals representing a range of careers.
Please take the time to carefully review all that the online Area Career Explorer has to offer. The content, features and flexibility of the online Career Explorer makes it more engaging and informative than ever!
Spotlight ACE with Kandi
Career Interest Survey
Follow the link below to complete the career Interest Survey to assist you in determining what career cluster you are most interested in:
Career clusters are one way to group career paths. Careers with common features are in the same cluster. The Career Wheel pictured below will guide you to finding the path for you.

Follow the Career Wheel
All of the presentations you will see fall along the career wheel. The career wheel will help you match career fields with different businesses, industries and presentations. Please review the wheel to identify the career fields that you are interested in.
We hope you enjoy exploring all of what Martin County has to offer. We hope that this will introduce you to opportunities in our area that interest you.
We wish you well in your journey, and we will always welcome you back!

Follow the Career Wheel
Six Career Fields are the broadest level of career options. They’re a good place to get started exploring.
Underneath those six career fields are 16 Career Clusters. This is where you can get more details about career paths that interest you. Careers that need the same knowledge and skills are grouped in the same cluster. Each cluster can include hundreds of different careers.
Each career cluster includes one or more of the 81 Minnesota Career Pathways. A pathway is a group of related career specialties within a career cluster. A pathway has its own knowledge and skill requirements. Educational programs can be developed around each pathway. These programs are called Programs of Study and can include high school and college courses based on industry expectations and skill standards.
The center of the career pathways graphic shows the knowledge and foundation skills. These are a core set of skills needed to be ready for work and/or college.